A few words this month
Fr. Sawano
This fierce hot summer seems to be going away. But this abnormal weather also seems to
be going on. And it is feared that
this abnormal weather will be a normal one. It is said that this is the revenge of
nature. We the human beings have
become too arrogant and haughty, pushed ahead with excessive use of nature and
paid little attention to the harmonious coexistence with the nature. But it may not be too late. So let’s unite our heart with the appeal
by Pope Francisco, live together peacefully with all the people in the world
and all the nature which is the precious gift by God.
About the parking lot
The parking lot just in front of the church entrance cannot
be used. It is a private space.
The parking lot of the dentist office and the lawyer’s office cannot be used,
The parking lot for the church and the kindergarten just
across Tokotoko Market and the three-story-high city
parking lot can be used.
Seika Kindergarten Home Page
The adorable children are featured. Let us continue to
support and observe their well-beings.
URL http://www.catholic-gakuen.ed.jp/seika/
The kindergarten is looking for little boys and girls to
If you know someone nearby, please kindly inform us of it.
1-5-10 Otawara-shi,
Chuo 〒324-0056
TEL.0287-24-0603 FAX.0287-47-6949 (Church),
★★★ TEL.0287-22-3224 (Seika Kindergarten) ★★★