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*     A few words this month  Fr. Sawano

Happy New Year! This year marks a "Holy Year," which occurs every 25 years.

In the Old Testament times, it was called the "Year of Jubilee" and was celebrated every 50 years to embody God's compassion and generosity within the society of His people, Israel. During this year, farmland was left to rest, people who had fallen into slavery were freed, land purchased was returned to its original owners, and debts were forgiven. It was a year of joy and liberation.

In the New Testament era, the Catholic Church adopted this tradition as the "Holy Year," now celebrated every 25 years.

During this special year, we are granted the "complete forgiveness of sins" and "remission of punishment (plenary indulgence or full purification)" received through baptism, provided certain conditions are met. These conditions are achievable for everyone and include the intention of receiving these blessings during the Holy Year by fulfilling one of the following:

Performing an act of charity.

Receiving the Sacrament of Forgiveness.

Making a pilgrimage to a designated site (in Tochigi Prefecture, this is Matsugamine Church).

*     About the parking lot

The parking lot just in front of the church entrance cannot be used. It is a private space.                    
The parking lot of the dentist office and the lawyer’s office cannot be used, either.

The parking lot for the church and the kindergarten just across Tokotoko Market and the three-story-high city parking lot can be used.

*     Seika Kindergarten Home Page

The adorable children are featured. Let us continue to support and observe their well-beings.

URL  http://www.catholic-gakuen.ed.jp/seika/

The kindergarten is looking for little boys and girls to enter.
If you know someone nearby, please kindly inform us of it.


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1-5-10 Otawara-shi, Chuo 324-0056

TEL.0287-24-0603 FAX.0287-47-6949 (Church),


★★★ TEL0287-22-3224 (Seika Kindergarten) ★★★